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Join The Family

It is an essential part of your journey as a believer to be apart of a community of people who stand on the Truths of God's Word. You need people who will stand beside you, to love on you, and encourage you when you go through the trial and tribulations of life. In the beginning when God created man, saw that there was no helper for him, He said that "it is not good for man to be alone". This is echoed throughout scripture and still rings true today. It's not good for you to be on this journey by yourself. Get plugged in today.


Become apart of our family!


At the Faith Filled Church, we believe in following the example of Jesus to be servants - in our communities, in our homes, and in our church. The various ministries our church our offers is how we serve. 


Faith Filled Music

Our music ministry comprises of instrumentalist and singers who use their God-given gifts to encourage the congregation to praise and worship God in unity.

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Kingdom Touch

The outreach team that exists to bridge the gap between the church  and the community by service, evangelism, and connection.


Members Affairs

The members affairs ministry is tasked with getting the new members of the church acquainted with the church and its ministries, keeping the current members up to date and involved with the church activities and events, and checking on the members that have been distant or sick.



The purpose of the hospitality ministry as it states in Romans 12:13, is to  “Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.” This ministry is designed to make church guests and members feel welcomed and ensure that all of their needs are met. 

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The media team is responsible for making sure that all equipment works properly before and after service to capture all media content needed in order to connect with online and international audiences.


Kingdom Kidz

Open to elementary level children ages 3- 12 to equip them with the fundamental truths of the word of God through exclusive curriculum, games, and activities. 


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©2023 by Faith Filled Church. 

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